¡Hi! I'm a Tech lover, interested in sales, cloud computing, and networking.
Telecommunications Engineer with experience in sales of IT services, help desk, DaaS, and support Citrix ADC platform. I have knowledge in telematics, web development, project management, and machine learning. Passionate about technology, in a constant search for professional and academic challenges.
+20 Courses at Platzi
My Badges in Acclaim
February 2020 - Present
Citrix ADC configuration and troubleshooting in platforms of high volume users/traffic. Support with the manufacturer in English and Spanish.
July 2019 - January 2020
Training in Portfolio of IT services, support in surveying requirements. Site visits in customer headquarters. Develop technical and economic offers.
2015 - 2020
Universidad Santo Tomás
The Telecommunications Engineer of the Santo Tomás University is an ethical and comprehensive professional, oriented to solve problems and innovate in the development of applications, IT services, infrastructure and project management. Emphasis on Networking, Information Security, IoT and Cloud Computing